Monday 18 October 2010


This clip is the opening four minutes of the film Sorority Row. We will be using a similar opening as the girl's start off normal but then gradually realise something bad is happening. This is stereotypical for a horror movie as it's often used to build tension. The audience know there watching a horror movie so the happiness and laughter will not last.

The age of the girls will be similar to the age we will use in our film so the target audience will be teens to adults. The purpose is to scare and the clip is very fast paced. We will also use fast paced clips as it creates a sense of mystery however it also ensures the audience is captivated.

The girl's in the clip appear confident and carefree. This is a good feature for an opening seen to show the character's free and happy as most probably it wont stay like that for long.
Close-ups are used to show the emotion on the character's faces and synchronous sounds of the keyboard and car.
Long shots are often used so it looks like someone is watching what is happening which is a feature my group will use as it is very powerful. It gives the sense that although they do not know they are being watched they most likely are. This is common in horror films.

Establishing shots are used showing the sorority house and also the stranded park. The stranded park is stereotypical with horror films as it shows anything could happen when no one is watching. Rural settings work best for horror films.
Murders happen quickly in the film which is a feature my group will be using as the main storyline is quickly introduced. It also ensures the audience is enthralled straight away.
The characters personalities are conveyed quickly. There is the vunerable girl, the bitchy girl, the follower and the 'normal' girl. This is so the audience have an idea of who is likely to survive and who will end up dead.
We will be introducing our characters personalities quickly in our film.

The costumes present the girls in an attractive and seductive way cosequentley appealing to the male audience. The lighting is mostly dark throughout reflecting the horror vibe. There are some light scenes at the start of the movie but it only gets darker. Most of the murders happen at night which is stereotypical in horror movies. The setting is always in one place which is the soriority house, we will probably be using the same idea. The setting also appeals to the teen audience.

I have used this trailer to help see the features of a horror movie. We will use synchronous sound when using murder weapons in the film as the massacre did with his chainsaw. Zoom in and close-ups will also be used to show the emotion on the charachters faces.
Dark lighting will be displayed throughout and also non-diagetic sound to build tension and help convey the horror of the film.
The part where they show the hook and then the girl being dragged towards it but don't actually see the outcome is a feature we will use as it gives the audience a question of what happened but also is extremely scary.


Thursday 14 October 2010

Horror Movies

Main Task

Today I have been creating a mind map so I have an idea of what our group should include in our film.
We have discussed what the genre of our film should be and decided on a horror film. In my group there is Sarah, Emma and myself.
In my mind map I have thought about the aspects of a stereotypical horror film therfore I have included, the purpose, setting, music, costumes and much more. We discussed the setting and decided that it would take place in my house as it has access to woods and alley ways which would be useful for a horror film.
We thought about horror films that our out now or have been out for a while and extracted ideas from them.
Over the next couple of months we will be foccusing on this task.

G321: preliminary video

KATIE COOMBS- G321: preliminary video

Monday 11 October 2010

Further Editing

Today we looked over our preliminary task and decided what to change about it. We decided that we should include a shot-reverse-shot between Sarah and I.
The problem was that Sarah had on a different top so we could not film the extra footage today as the scenes wouldnt match. Sarah will bring in the top she had on previously so we can film tomorrow and then our preliminary task will be finished.
We edited more on the scenes we had, cutting some scenes so the overall effect was better. Unfortunately one of the group members has left school so we had to get use to the group being just the three of us and consequentley finishing the task without Yaz.
Overall the lesson went well and we managed to decide what needed to be done and acting on it. The task will be finished tomorrow ready for showing it in the upcoming lessons.

Wednesday 6 October 2010


Last lesson we edited our scenes for the project we were given which was to create short film clips. We used the editing software on the computer at school and were able to edit our scenes well. It took an hour to decide what clips we wanted and consequentley what footage we would use. We were able to finish our project last lesson.