Thursday 17 February 2011


Our filming schedule has been set back as one of our group members, Emma, has been very ill and therefore cannot attend filming this week.
We have now decided that we should wait for Emma as many of the scenes include her.
Emma will hopefully be better next week which will mean we will try to finish filming in that week and then start editing.

Tuesday 15 February 2011


The Strangers
45+ 13%DE31%

The Strangers is a thriller/horror therefore the audience profiling is useful to see who our traget audience should be.
The target audience is aged 15-24 with a high 74% and the gender that the film appeals to most is female with a high 60%.

Audience Profiling

Paranormal Activity
45+ 3%DE14%

As I can see from the figures the target audience is age 15-24 males and females with only 2% between them.
This makes the film extremely successful as it brings in all types of audiences ensuring high viewing figures.
With only 3% of the overall 100% 45+ do not seem to enjoy the horror genre.
This may be a common recurrence with this age range when watching horror films therefore we have aimed our film at age 25 and below.
As our film is aimed at both genders the audience profile of Paranormal Activity was very useful.
From my own experience of watching the film the sound and music was very effective and so was the home video aspect of the film. These features may have helped contribute to the success of the film therefore we will be including lots of sound and music.

Monday 7 February 2011


Currently we are in the process of making our animatic storyboard. It has been very difficult as we had started one, however, we were unable to open it once it was saved meaning we had to start again.
We have now started again, it has proved harder to make the storyboard than we thought it would be.
The animatic storyboard consists of all the pictures we drew that resembles the scenes we will be shooting.
We may alter the scenes we had originally drew on the storyboard, however the storyline and script will stay the same.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Filming Schedule

Our group filmed the first scene last friday however, the filming wasn't entirely successfull.
This was due to the camera not having a nightmode. We had planned to do the night scenes in pitchblack however, still make sure the charachters were seen. We thought the darkness would meet the expectations of the audience as a conventional horror film is normally in the dark. We have decided to film the scenes again this friday but change the way in which we show the killer in the darkness.
Although the camera has set us back in our filming schedule we will be making the time up in the up coming weeks and hopefully filming will be more successfull.