Wednesday 29 September 2010

Video Work

Yesterdays lesson we were given the assingment to create scenes on the video camera that had to include, shot-reverse-shot, the 180 degree line, someone opening a door and dialogue between two or more charachters. My group includes Emma, Sarah and Yaz. We work well together as we all make sure we have an input on how to create the scene. As we have only just decided what shots we will be using and what diologue will be said we will be shooting the scenes next lesson. We will also be using props to help set the scene more effectively.

Sunday 26 September 2010


We were told to analyse the first five mintes of the film Kidulthood. We did this by Mise-en-scene.

Lighter in the classroom

School uniform
Big hoop earing
Stereotypical chav costumes

Facial Expressions
Close-up on faces to convey the emotion
Hand held-camera effect

School playground, all children shown in different groups

Extra Information
Tension building sounds
Teachers are intimadated


Last lesson we were given the task to construct four different scenes. The four different scenes consisted of a disruptive class, a dentist waiting room, a romantic evening and a busy office.
We were in groups of five and had to figure out which role each person would play in the scene. Our main aim was to think of Mise-en scene. Once we decided on the role each would play we got into charachter and one person out of the group would take a picture, using the different shots such as high and low angle shots.
I think everyone worked well together, deciding quickly and effectively what role they were going to play.
As a group we could of improved on thinking about the backgrounds of our shots, keeping in mind which scene we were carrying out. For example, a romantic evening cannot have a school poster behind the charachters in the shot as it looks false.
After we took the photos, they were uploaded to the computer and as a class we looked at each groups attempt of the scenes. It helped to talk about what others thought went right and wrong about each others shots. Overall I really enjoyed the lesson as it helped to develop my knoweldge of the different shots and angles used in media.


Track- Movement which stays a constant distance from the action, especially side-to-side movement

Tilt- Vertical moveement of the camera angle, i.e pointing the camera up and down ( as opposed to moving the whole camera up and down

Pan- Horizontal moveemt, left and right

Zoom- Camera moves in to a close up, often used to focus attention on a relevant detail or emphasises a charachters reaction

Arc- Camera moves around the subject like a tracking shot

Diegetic sound- Music/Sound that comes from a scene of the film

Non- diegetic sound- Music/Sound that is added to the film during editing

Mise-en-scene- Everything in the frame, i.e, colours, lighting, costumes, props and the setting

Long shot- Shot showing a charachter or setting in the distance

High angle shot- Shot taken from above looking down ( makes the audience feel powerful and the actors small and vunerable)

Low angle shot- Shot taken from below, it is as if the audience are being looked down on

Close up- Shot showing the charachter from the neck up, it is used to show facial expressions

Medium shot- Shot showing charachter from waist up, often used to show sociable shots also allows other charachters in view