Sunday 26 September 2010


Track- Movement which stays a constant distance from the action, especially side-to-side movement

Tilt- Vertical moveement of the camera angle, i.e pointing the camera up and down ( as opposed to moving the whole camera up and down

Pan- Horizontal moveemt, left and right

Zoom- Camera moves in to a close up, often used to focus attention on a relevant detail or emphasises a charachters reaction

Arc- Camera moves around the subject like a tracking shot

Diegetic sound- Music/Sound that comes from a scene of the film

Non- diegetic sound- Music/Sound that is added to the film during editing

Mise-en-scene- Everything in the frame, i.e, colours, lighting, costumes, props and the setting

Long shot- Shot showing a charachter or setting in the distance

High angle shot- Shot taken from above looking down ( makes the audience feel powerful and the actors small and vunerable)

Low angle shot- Shot taken from below, it is as if the audience are being looked down on

Close up- Shot showing the charachter from the neck up, it is used to show facial expressions

Medium shot- Shot showing charachter from waist up, often used to show sociable shots also allows other charachters in view

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