Sunday 26 September 2010


Last lesson we were given the task to construct four different scenes. The four different scenes consisted of a disruptive class, a dentist waiting room, a romantic evening and a busy office.
We were in groups of five and had to figure out which role each person would play in the scene. Our main aim was to think of Mise-en scene. Once we decided on the role each would play we got into charachter and one person out of the group would take a picture, using the different shots such as high and low angle shots.
I think everyone worked well together, deciding quickly and effectively what role they were going to play.
As a group we could of improved on thinking about the backgrounds of our shots, keeping in mind which scene we were carrying out. For example, a romantic evening cannot have a school poster behind the charachters in the shot as it looks false.
After we took the photos, they were uploaded to the computer and as a class we looked at each groups attempt of the scenes. It helped to talk about what others thought went right and wrong about each others shots. Overall I really enjoyed the lesson as it helped to develop my knoweldge of the different shots and angles used in media.

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