Wednesday 6 April 2011

EVAULUATION ACTIVITY 7-Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In our preliminary task, our task was to practice basic filming and editing skills, to help us get used to the software (Adobe) and equipment for when we had to film our final production assignment, it was our first try at filming and editing actual footage.
The basic filming included, a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom the character then exchanged a couple of lines of dialogue. 
In the task we had to attempt to demonstrate shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule, we also used low angle, and medium length shots.
Since the preliminary task I have learnt how to improve shots by the use of camera work and how to use Adobe correctly by understanding how to use all the different effects, adding titles, credits etc and also music. 

In our final product, we used a numerous range of different camera shots, angles and match on action. 
To do this we had to improve our editing skills to make sure that it matched successfully and flowed when each camera shot changed. 
In our final product we still included the basic rules of filming, such as the 180 degree rule. My group and I were a lot more creative with our shots and angles than our first task, we did this by filming close up shots, high angle shots, panning and zooming in and out. We also expanded on our location by filming at my house, however, we also made use of the surrounding environment around the house (alley ways and woods), to make sure the film have a variation of different shots.
My group and I still managed to use basic shots, for example, medium shots, close up shots, zoom ins and over the shoulder shots. 

Since the preliminary task we have improved on editing sound, by managing to download music from free legal music sites and then editing it into the final piece. We did have to include music in our preliminary task so this was a challenge that we had to take on when creating our two minute opening. It took us a while to find out how to edit the music into the film at the right places and fading the music in and out when we needed to.

We experimented with titles and transitions to make our opening sequence look like a realistic horror film. We used a shot reverse shot, whereby we looked at a certain scene, then looked away at a different scene and then looked back again. Some types of shots have different meanings to indicate what is happening in the film. For example, Emma the main character, who plays the vulnerable teenager, is located in the bedroom. Emma wakes from a nightmare and looks around the room to reassure herself that everything is ok, however we then cross cut to the killer walking towards the house, holding the knife. We thought this was effective as the audience could clearly see the contrast between the two characters and what roles they were playing within the film. From our research (watching horror films), this was a common feature therefore we decided to use it in our film.

I have also learnt how angle shots show which characters are the ones with the most power. If the camera is looking down on a person it shows they have power and if it is from above them it shows they are weaker as it is looking down on the other person. Close up shots show important objects or people and long distance and establishing shots show the location of where the film is taking place. 

Since the preliminary task I would say that my group and I have improved in many different areas of filming, such as the camerawork and editing. Looking at my preliminary task to my final assignment, you can see how much of an improvement my group and I have made in just over a few months. By doing the preliminary task, it shows just how little we knew about camera work and editing, but now looking at our final film it shows how much we have improved in our camera and editing techniques.

Screen shots from our preliminary task:

Screen shots from our two minute opening:

Preliminary Video:
Final Assessment Video:

As you can see the contrast been the two videos is significant. The editing, sound and transitions have all been improved to make our two minute film better and more realistic to ensure us a better grade.

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