Tuesday 5 April 2011

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 3-What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Me- Our production company is ESK Productions . We simply used the initials of our first bames and added them together. Even though it was a simple way to choose a production company name we thought it fitted in well with our titles and provided a believable name for our company.

Emma- A production company is a type of company which iss in the business of performing arts. This company aims to develop and physically produce performing arts, film, radio or television programmes however, in our case the production company will be producing our two minute opening.
The production companies profits or losses are entirely dependant o the quality of the film. We think our film would provide profits as it fits in with steroetypical, successful horror films.

Sarah- A good distributor for our film would be Summit Entertainments. The reason for picking this distributing company is that it distibuted the film Sorority Row which has a similar target audience with a similar storyline. It would therefore be successfull like that of Sorority Row.

Kate-The various people who are named in the titles are the actressess, directors and producers. We made sure that each characters name appeared whilst the person was on screen to ensure a link was made between the two. The order that the people are named in the title, is the ESK Productions company name, 'Working Title Presents' and the name of the actressess and then the director.We didn't want to make up other names to make the credits go longer, we only used specific information that was needed.

Emma-A film that is simillar to ours institutionally, would be a film like the Blair Witched Project. The Blair Witched Project is a 1999 horror film ( same genre). The narative is presented as a documentary, pierced together from amateur footage. The characters in the film are of a similar age, pulling in the same target audience as we wish to appeal too. The budget for the film was only $500,000 which is a very small budget compared to all the Hollywood ,box-office hits. We therefore think the film would be extremley similar to ours institutionally.

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